VIBRA-LUBE Air Vibrator Oil
The Issue
Most manufacturing plants, processing plants, utilities, and contractors utilize pneumatic tools and equipment. The life and performance of these air vibrators are essential to the operation and productivity of the facility or job site. Slow running, poor performing, and shorter tool life destroy productivity gains made elsewhere. Inadequate lubrication of air vibrators is a major contributor to poor performance.
The Performance
Air contains moisture, dirt, dust, and other contaminants that interfere with the proper functioning of air vibrators or any pneumatic equipment. Moisture exists in virtually all airlines due to the relative humidity in the air and the condensation caused by the expansion and cooling of compressed air. Lubricants not specially formulated to operate in the presence of moisture can interact with that moisture to form sludge, rust, and gum. This is especially true for vibrators that are left in storage or not running for any length of time. Other contaminants can pass through the filter system causing varnishes and sticky substances to form in the vibrators and airlines, lowering vibrator performance. Lubricants such as hydraulic oils, motor oils, and penetrating oils commonly used in vibrators, are not designed for air systems, and are not able to combat the moisture and contaminants.
The Solution
WORKMASTER® VIBRA-LUBE Air Vibrator Oil is specifically designed for air vibrators. VIBRA-LUBE’s special emulsifier absorbs 10% of its weight in water, preventing the formation of gum and sludge. Its base oil, unlike most conventional oils, will not leave hard carbon deposits that rob vibrator power. VIBRA-LUBE contains anti-wear – and extreme pressure – additives which provide the additional lubrication for a vibrator’s moving parts, and its corrosion preventative component prevents the rust that occurs in vibrators and airlines due to moisture carried in the air.
The Results
With as few as three drops per minute of WORKMASTER® VIBRA-LUBE™ Air Vibrator Oil, you can expect the following added benefits from your air vibrators:
- • More Power
- • Constant Speed
- • Reduced Noise
- • Longer Service Life
- • Reduced Maintenance
- • Lower Lubricant Usage
- • Storage/Idle Time Protection
- • Decreased Total Cost of Air System
VIBRA-LUBE Air Vibrator Oil
Brand “X” Vibrator Oil