Male and Female Hopper Car Pocket Vibrator Mounting Brackets For Any Application
WORKMASTER® Cradle Lug (CL) Bracket with Wedge Mount

The WORKMASTER® Cradle Lug (CL) Bracket with Wedge Mount is the highest quality mount available. It features heavy-duty, cast steel construction, and the seat of the wedge bracket is machined to match the curve of the CAR-ROCKER™, WHIRLWIND™, and BRUTE® CC2.8 vibrator bodies, ensuring complete contact for a secure mount.

Missing or damaged railcar wedge brackets combined with stubborn, slow-moving material make unloading railcars nearly impossible. WORKMASTER®‘s Weld-On Hopper Car Pocket Bracket provides an easily installed mounting pocket that transmits maximum vibration from the vibrator to the railcar. Always keep a pair of these cast iron vibrator mounting brackets at your unloading site and you’ll never be slowed by missing or damaged brackets again!